Two things:
- We hate SPAM as much as you do.
- Your info is just that – Yours.
While we’re more than happy to present your message to the world for you, we have no intention of ever sharing your personal data unless presented with a valid subpoeana or search warrant.
In practical application, this means
We will never spam you. If you hired us, we’ll send you an invoice at some point – and probably a few project updates, etc. Sorry, an invoice for services rendered isn’t spam (Nice try, though – you know who you are…)
We will never disclose your personal information without your permission. We will never sell, rent or share your personal information with a 3rd party without your express permission, unless required by law. This includes addresses and phone numbers.
We will only disclose your personal information when:
- You specifically request us to do so in writing.
- It is required by law.
- It is absolutely necessary in order to create / maintain a system you hired us to create / maintain
We may occasionally sell, rent or share aggregate information about client / customer habits only.
In which case, we’ll do so in a manner that strictly maintains individual privacy.